In Our Care
Produced by Robert Richter
Institutions for criminal behavior, mentally or physically challenged
- Watch
- Genre
- Human Interest, Society, Social Issues, and Reality
- Synopsis
An unprecedented series of 12 30 minute documentaries, each about a different State of Oregon public institution: Schools for the Blind and Deaf; Mental Hospital, Mentally challenged, Penintentiary, Correctional Institution, etc. Series was aired on Portland commercial TV, Oregon public TV. Only one known to be screenable is Fairview, the state institution for the severely mentally challenged.
- Stage
- finished
- Running time
- 30 minutes
- Robert Richter ... Producer, Director, Writer, Editor, Narrator
Production Details
- Prod. Co.
- Richter Productions
- Country
- United States
- Years of Production
- 1958-60
- Locations
- Oregon
Distribution Details
- Release year
- 1960
- Broadcast (Prod.)
- Language
- English
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