Documentary Films on The D-Word
Dirty Martini and the New Burlesque (2010)
Produced by Gary Beeber
Dirty Martini and the New Burlesque explores the origins of the new burlesque scene in NYC.
Whatever It Takes (2009)
Directed by Christopher Wong
Year-in-the-life of a new high school in the South Bronx.
Runners High (2006)
Directed by Justine Jacob
It's 26.2 miles from East Oakland to anywhere they wanna go.
Interrogate This:Psychologists Take on Terror (2008)
Directed by Maryanne Galvin
Do psychologists have a role in interrogation of suspects in US national security detention centers?
Lessons From a Landfill (2009)
Directed by Aarick Beher & Gretta Wing Miller
When you throw it away, where is "away"?
A Powerful Noise (2008)
Directed by Tom Cappello
A film about womens empowerment in the developing world
The Way We Get By (2009)
Directed by Aron Gaudet
Sometimes all it takes is a handshake to change a life.