Documentary Films on The D-Word
Service: When Women Come Marching Home (2013)
In a frontless war, women are being injured and the US is not prepared to handle their return.
Punk Jews (2012)
Directed by Jesse Zook Mann
Hassidic rockers, Yiddish street performers, African American activists… smashing stereotypes.
Escape from Firebase Kate (2015)
Directed by Paul Kakert
A Vietnam War story of bravery, and survival, against all odds.
The Year We Thought About Love (2015)
Directed by Ellen Brodsky
Behind the scenes of the nation's longest running LGBTQ youth theater troupe
Fistful of Roses (2009)
Directed by LEO BRUGES
a street rose-seller battles his dark imagination and the dangers of Edinburgh's nightlife
Oil & Water (2014)
Directed by Laurel Spellman Smith
One was born there. One was drawn there. The Amazon needs them both.
Elena (2014)
Directed by Petra Costa
Based on a true story, ELENA obliterates the line between documentary, diary and fever dream.
Filming The List (2014)
Directed by Robin Macpherson
Filming a one woman play for the cinema sounds straightforward but proves anything but.
Tree Fellers (2004)
Produced by Robin Macpherson
Story of 900 Belizean lumberjacks who in 1942 came to Scotland to cut trees and make a new life
Theatre of Survival - The Life and Times of The Space (unreleased)
Directed by Mark Street, Daniel Poole & Brian Astbury
Making the impossible possible.
They Died Before 40 (unreleased)
Produced by howard e. fischer
Eight jazz musicians who died before the age of 40 - important contributions, how they lived & died
The Sint and Black Piet (2015)
Directed by Fritz Kohle
A story about how the tradition of Black Piet in the Netherlands is changing
5 to 12 (2014)
Directed by Fritz Kohle
A film about Rinus and Kees, athletes in their 70-ties, and the challenges they face.
God, Church, Pills and Condoms (2012)
Directed by Fritz Kohle
This is the story of a Filipin teenage mother and a controversial family planning law.