Documentary Films on The D-Word
FEAT: 63 Marathons in 63 Days (2010)
Directed by Deborah Carr
The hope for a cure lies in the feet of one man.
Camp Victory,Afghanistan (2010)
Directed by Carol Dysinger
A true story of Americas Exit Strategy from Afghanistan
Triptych – a Documentary Video Installation (2010)
Directed by Magdalena Hutter
Five refugees, five stories. An endless journey through the desert in hope of a better future.
Lavender Hall (unreleased)
Produced by Lisa Guidetti & Renee Kopec
Lavender Hall is a frequently funny and occasionally disquieting portrait of a residential care home
Hand of God (2007)
Directed by Joe Cultrera
An Intensely personal and poetic look at Catholic clergy abuse told through a survivor & his family.
Witch City (1997)
Produced by Bob Quinn
Salem Witches, Evangelical Preachers, greed..and business as usual
ORiginal WOlfen - Aus der Geschichte einer Filmfabrik (1996)
1995 - the anniversary of cinema and the year of deconstruction of the film manufacture
The Turanos - Just a Matter of Balance (2003)
how a life of an artist and history can be connected as well as love and family can become home