Documentary Films on The D-Word
Produced by Diane Pontius
A short documentary about my father, Bob Pontius. He saw himself as different.
VO Demo Documentary*Docuseries*Branded Doc KelleyButtrick (unreleased)
A Showcase of Narration Styles
Trilogy of the Body (2005)
Directed by simone cassas
The Body as Identity: Insights from Art, Science, and Faith
Beets and Beans: Living and Dying with Hospice (2009)
Produced by Sue Perlgut
the rich journeys of patients, caregivers, and family members as their lives are touched by hospice
It’s All Right To Be Woman Theatre (2020)
Produced by Sue Perlgut
From 1970 – 1976 It’s All Right To Be Woman Theater lived, worked and performed in New York City
Connie Cook (2015)
Produced by Sue Perlgut
Constance Cook was a remarkable woman who pioneered in the political world
முத்தையன்கட்டு கால்வாயில் மரங்கள் அகற்றும் செயன்முறை (2024)
Directed by Henry Warnakulasuriya
Tree removal process at Muthuiyankaddu Irrigation Scheme under IWWRMP
இலங்கையின் நீர்ப்பாசன அமைப்புக்கு ஓர் புத்துயிர் அளித்தல் ! (2024)
Directed by Henry Warnakulasuriya
A video documentary highlighting IWWRMP progress and present status. Tamil Version.