Documentary Films on The D-Word


Share (2019)

An 18-year old influencer attempts to reconcile his identity online with his identity in real life.

Dword avatar film

25 Hours (2019)

Directed by Ellie Wen

A firefighter works a 24-hour shift, balancing her job and new motherhood.


Just to Get a Rep (2007)

Directed by Peter Gerard

the definitive graffiti/hip-hop documentary


The Shutdown (2009)

Directed by Adam Stafford

All that gas, all those homes, all those people...


Mary Janes: The Women of Weed (unreleased)

Directed by Windy Borman

Breaking the Grass Ceiling

Dword avatar film

American Army Dream (2017)

Directed by Michiel Thomas

Belgian Audrey Franssen pursues a military dream at Valley Forge Military Academy and College

Dword avatar film

Game Face (2016)

Directed by Michiel Thomas

Exploring the coming-out journeys of LGBTQ athletes Fallon Fox and Terrence Clemens


A Gathering of Heroes: The Last Reunion (2005)

Directed by Brent Wilson

Duty & Courage Made Them Heroes. Friendship & Honor Sustained Them.


Streetlight Harmonies (2020)

Directed by Brent Wilson

Millions Know The Music. Few Know The Artists


Brian Wilson: Long Promised Road (unreleased)

Directed by Brent Wilson

The legendary songwriter and co-founder of The Beach Boys takes viewers on an impressionistic road-t

Dword avatar film

IRREPLACEABLE (unreleased)

Directed by Rob Curry & Tim Plester

An urgent and lyrical account of endangered places and the people fighting to save them

Dword avatar film

Southern Journey Revisited (2020)

Produced by Paul Williams

Both a music documentary and a freewheeling travelogue through America’s Southern States


The Ballad of Shirley Collins (2017)

Directed by Rob Curry & Tim Plester

A lyrical film about the life and work of musical pioneer and folk legend, Shirley Collins


Tony Conrad: Completely in the Present (2016)

Directed by Tyler Hubby

A film examining the pioneering life and works of artist, musician, filmmaker, educator Tony Conrad


HARLEY (2020)

Directed by Jean Cosme

Everybody's got a fight. Do we fight or do we flight?

Dword avatar film

Leaning Out (2018)

Directed by Basia Myszynski

About the lead structural engineer of the World Trade Center, a man haunted by the events of 9/11


Made in India (2010)

Directed by Rebecca Haimowitz & Vaishali Sinha

A film about the human experiences behind the phenomenon of outsourcing surrogate mothers to India.


62 Days (2018)

Directed by Rebecca Haimowitz

A brain-dead pregnant woman was forced to remain on life support against her family's wishes.


Trash Dance (2012)

Produced by Andrew Garrison

Sometimes inspiration can be found in the most unexpected places.


Third Ward TX (2007)

Directed by Andrew Garrison

When community development is also art, a neighborhood comes back to life.