Documentary Films on The D-Word

Incarcerating US (2016)
Directed by Regan Hines
Incarcerating US exposes the US prison problem and explores ways to unshackle the Land of the Free.

The True Cost (2015)
Directed by Andrew Morgan
The True Cost is a documentary film exploring the impact of fashion on people and the planet.

The Making of LISSA (2018)
Directed by Francesco Dragone
"The Making of Lissa" tells the story of how a graphic novel stroke the academic literature's market

The Missfits (unreleased)
Directed by Ellie Wen
An all-girls robotics team competes to prove themselves in a male-dominated field.

On Mother's Day (unreleased)
Directed by Ellie Wen
An intimate look at how mass incarceration impacts a mother on Mother's Day.

Single Mother Only Daughter (2017)
Directed by Ellie Wen
A personal documentary about the filmmaker and her mother.

Share (2019)
An 18-year old influencer attempts to reconcile his identity online with his identity in real life.