Documentary Films on The D-Word
Soul Places (2021)
Directed by Mark Lapwood
Explores the deep connection between the beauty of nature and humanity.
Death Metal Grandma (unreleased)
Produced by Christine Wexler
Death Metal Grandma follows a 97 yr old Holocaust survivor's journey as a performer of death metal
Herdeiros (unreleased)
Directed by Thais Nepomuceno Veiga
A documentary film about African Oral legacy at Morro da Serrinha in Rio de Janeiro.
Babytrapped (2011)
Directed by Tomás Sheridan
After knowing each other just a few weeks, Nita is pregnant but Liam isn’t ready to be a daddy.
25 Texans in the Land of Lincoln (2019)
Directed by Ellen Brodsky
Quirky quest by students, mostly Mexican American, to repatriate Santa Anna's Leg and honor Lincoln
Karate and the Olympics: Who Will Represent Canada in 2020?
The Story of Yes (2016)
Directed by Hugh Rodgers
This documentary captures the story of the Marriage Equality referendum in Ireland.
Johnny (2018)
Produced by Anna Rodgers
Johnny is a young gay man from the Travelling community in Ireland.
Hold on Tight (2011)
Directed by Anna Rodgers
If you love someone should you let them go or hold on tight?
My Broken Brain (2018)
Directed by Anna Rodgers
A medical science documentary following the lives of people with neurological disorders.
Crumlin (2016)
Directed by Anna Rodgers
A four part medical science series inside Ireland's Children's Hospital
Strong at the Broken Places (2018)
Directed by Anna Rodgers
A short documentary following one man's stand against the Pope in Ireland.
Care&Cure (2018)
Directed by Dora Wu
An American practitioner is spreading traditional Chinese medicine in the United States.
Happy Animals (2018)
Produced by Emmy Gyori
A journey to the end of the world for one perfect shot at happiness.