Documentary Films on The D-Word


Nuclear alla Turca (unreleased)

Directed by Can Candan

Unsettling, tragicomical, absurd local and global stories of the “nuclear” in Turkey.

Dword avatar film

Soul (2017)

Produced by Pedro Peira

“All great food is soul food”

Dword avatar film

Veins in the Gulf (2012)

Directed by Elizabeth Coffman

What happens when your home disappears before you die?

Dword avatar film

Power of Pearl: Farm Beneath The Sea (2018)

Produced by R.T. Higgins


This is Tim: a Musical Life (unreleased)

Directed by Tiffany Ellis

Just a regular guy who rocked Portland.


Electric Shadows: Journeys in Image-making (2015)

Directed by Avijit Mukul Kishore

An examination of the role of the cinematic image in the making of the iconic images of a culture.


To Let the World In, Volume 2 (2013)

Directed by Avijit Mukul Kishore

A film on contemporary Indian art


Nostalgia for the Future (2017)

Directed by Avijit Mukul Kishore & Rohan Shivkumar

A Film about Modernity, the Making of the Indian Citizen and the Architecture of the Home.


On the Banks of the Tigris: the hidden story of Iraqi music (2015)

Directed by Marsha Emerman

A musical odyssey that uncovers the hidden- and almost erased- story of Iraqi music


Multiverse Ghana (2015)

Directed by Juul van der Laan

Science from Africa


Green Green Water (2006)

Directed by Dawn Mikkelson

It's all about power.


The Eyes of Thailand (2012)

Directed by Windy Borman

Ten years. Two souls. One amazing feat.


Pencils Down! The 100 Days of the Writers Guild Strike (2016)

When Writers led the fight for the internet and the future of Hollywood.


Hill Climb (2017)

Hold it pinned.


Vannin' (2013)

A documentary film focusing on customized vans and the quirky people that drive them.


Hunger in America (2014)

Produced by Tim VandeSteeg

A story of the 50 million Americans that go to bed hungry every night.


MY RUN (2009)

Directed by Tim VandeSteeg

Be Somebody's Hero


IRON WILL: Veterans' Battle with PTSD (2016)

Produced by Tim VandeSteeg

Veterans Deserve Peace of Mind


Rolling Along: An Inline Movement (2017)

Story of the birth rise and fall of the sport formally known as Aggressive Inline


REBEL (2013)

So dangerous she was erased from history.