Documentary Films on The D-Word
The Red Tail (2009)
Directed by Melissa Koch
After losing his job to outsourcing, airline mechanic Roy Koch goes to China to meet his replacement
H.O.P.E. Was Here (2014)
Directed by Mark Denega
A story about the merits and pitfalls of short-term volunteering abroad, or "voluntourism."
The Hamlet of Canfield Gardens (2016)
Directed by jill campbell
At 89 famed British writer Bernard Kops must come to terms with a major theme in his work: death.
Directed by Matt Kohn
People used to say every vote counts - now they don’t. Ever wonder why?
Taino Daca (I Am) (unreleased)
Directed by Alex Zacarias
“The same way they wrote us out of history we will write ourselves back in."
Ring Laila (2010)
Directed by Anuradha Rana
“Men want women to be their equal … as long as they stay one step behind them.”
AGE UP (2015)
Directed by Jill Freidberg
Seattle youth are learning how to become tomorrow's leaders while playing Ultimate Frisbee.