Documentary Films on The D-Word
Voices of Grief, Honoring the Sacred Journey (2016)
Directed by Deb Collins
Grief in the 21st Century: The Search for Compassion, Community and Connection.
Claude Lanzmann: Spectres of the Shoah (2015)
Produced by Kimberley Warner
The first major documentary exploring the life and work of French iconoclast Claude Lanzmann.
Power Trip (2003)
Directed by Paul Devlin
Corruption, assassination, street rioting and absurd culture clash.
BLAST! (2009)
Directed by Paul Devlin
BLAST! is a spectacular and suspenseful story of space exploration.
Forever Wild (2013)
Produced by Sebastian Lasaosa Rogers
The inspiring story of Alabama’s Forever Wild Land Trust and the collaboration it took to create.
8000 Miles from Hip Hop (2015)
Directed by Kuang-Chong Yu
Odyssey of crazy wannabe gansta rappers in China.
Briars in the Cotton Patch: The Story of Koinonia Farm (2005)
Possibly the most daring social experiment in the Southern United States in the last century.