Can Candan Pro
Istanbul, Turkey
- Username
- cancandan
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Film Projects
Nuclear alla Turca (unreleased)
- Director, Producer
- Unsettling, tragicomical, absurd local and global stories of the “nuclear” in Turkey.
- More details | Official website
My Child (2013)
- Director, Producer
- What happens when your child comes out to you? Parents of LGBTs in Turkey speak...
- Watch online | Buy the DVD
- More details | Official website
Duvarlar-Mauern-Walls (2000)
- Director, Producer, Editor
- Immigrants from Turkey in the post-Wall, re-unified Berlin reflect on their past, present, future
- Watch online | Buy the DVD
- More details | Official website
3 Saat (3 Hours) (2008)
- Director, Producer
- Witness six high-school seniors taking the arduous university entrance exam in Istanbul, Turkey
- Buy the DVD
- More details | Official website
Born and raised in Turkey. Lived in the States for 13 years. Studied filmmaking at Hampshire College (undergrad) and then at Temple University (grad). Taught workshops and courses while in the States. Returned to Turkey in 2000 and been living/working in Istanbul since. In Turkey, have taught at Istanbul Bilgi University, Sabanci University and since 2007 at Bogazici University. Author of articles and books on documentary cinema in Turkey. Founding member of docIstanbul - Center for Documentary. Been making documentaries since 1989. Currently working on the 4th feature doc: www.nuclearallaturca.com