
Don Casper

Rochester, New York, United States


Don Casper marked his feature documentary debut as both Producer and Director, with Signs of the Time: The Myth, The Mystery, The Legend of Baseball’s Greatest Innovation. Narrated by Richard Dreyfuss, the film has received multiple festival accolades including the Award for Baseball Excellence at the Cooperstown Baseball Film Festival held at the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. The film explores the origination of umpire had signals in baseball and the impact that the events of 100 years ago have on the past, present and future. After graduating from Rochester Institute of Technology's film program in 1990, Don has been involved in all aspects of filmmaking including 8 years producing television programs at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf and 7 years editing nationally distributed productions with Crystal Pix. In 2006, he wrote, produced and directed the acclaimed short film "Certain Death" which was recognized at the Rochester International Film Festival and was an official selection at the 15th Annual Woods Hole Film Festival.