Justine Jacob Pro
Oakland, California, United States
- Username
- jjacob
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Film Projects
Runners High (2006)
- Director/Producer
- It's 26.2 miles from East Oakland to anywhere they wanna go.
- More details | Official website
Ready, Set, Bag! (2008)
- Director/Producer
- A documentary about being the best you can be.
- Buy the DVD
- More details | Official website
Justine Jacob is an entertainment attorney representing independent filmmakers. (www.focusmedialaw.com) She also produced and co-directed Ready, Set, Bag! which premiered at the 2008 Los Angeles Film Festival (www.readysetbag.com) and Runners High (2006) which premiered at SF International (www.runnershighfilm.com). She participated in the 2006 Sundance Producers Conference.