Documentary Films on The D-Word
Age of Intelligent Machines, The (1986)
Produced by Robert Richter & Martin Schneider
Artificial intelligence and Ray Kurzweil
In Our Care (1960)
Produced by Robert Richter
Institutions for criminal behavior, mentally or physically challenged
Father Roy: Inside the School of Assassins (1997)
Produced by Robert Richter
The struggle to find and reveal secret torture training at a U.S. military facility.
Eating the Scorpion (2007)
Produced by Robert Richter
Inspiring American teachers to become better teachers about China, with direct visits to that nation
Do Not Enter: The Visa War Against Ideas (1985)
Produced by Robert Richter & Catherine Warnow
Are there limits to free speech?
Crossing the Line (1999)
Produced by Robert Richter
Closing the U.S. Army School of the Americas (SOA) becomes an international grassroots movement.