Documentary Films on The D-Word


Leaving Home (2009)

Produced by Robert Richter

Coming of age of teen age girl


The Last Atomic Bomb (2005)

Produced by Robert Richter

Survivors remember

Dword avatar film

Age of Intelligent Machines, The (1986)

Produced by Robert Richter & Martin Schneider

Artificial intelligence and Ray Kurzweil


In Our Hands (1983)

Produced by Robert Richter

Largest peaceful protest in American history

Dword avatar film

In Our Care (1960)

Produced by Robert Richter

Institutions for criminal behavior, mentally or physically challenged

Dword avatar film

CBS Reports: Abortion and the Law (1965)

Produced by David Lowe

Dword avatar film

Backlash in the Wild (1987)

Produced by Robert Richter

The anti-environmentalists


Guns and Greed (1990)

Produced by Robert Richter

Dword avatar film

Wightwash (2018)

Directed by David George


Love and Dying (2019)

Directed by David George

Dying with Dignity


Incident at Browns Ferry (1977)

Produced by Robert Richter

How "safe" is safe nuclear power?


HHH: What Manner of Man (1968)

Produced by Robert Richter

The mind changer


Gods of Metal (1981)

Produced by Robert Richter

Nuclear war threats and citizen actions


The Gifts (1970)

Water pollution: a wake up call


Father Roy: Inside the School of Assassins (1997)

Produced by Robert Richter

The struggle to find and reveal secret torture training at a U.S. military facility.


Eating the Scorpion (2007)

Produced by Robert Richter

Inspiring American teachers to become better teachers about China, with direct visits to that nation


Do Not Enter: The Visa War Against Ideas (1985)

Produced by Robert Richter & Catherine Warnow

Are there limits to free speech?


Crossing the Line (1999)

Produced by Robert Richter

Closing the U.S. Army School of the Americas (SOA) becomes an international grassroots movement.


Convictions: Prisoners of Conscience (2003)

Produced by Robert Richter

Why risk your freedom?